Want to Start Living Healthy? These are the Five Best Ways to Cook Food


Foto: Pixabay/Pexels

Cooking is one of the processes that greatly affects the nutritional content of a food. Different cooking methods will also have an impact on our health. For example, frying in a lot of oil can cause long-term health problems, while steaming can make some vegetables retain nutrients.

In fact, some cooking methods can also increase the nutritional content of one particular type of food but can also decrease the nutritional content of others. So what is a good cooking technique?

According to Eat This, Not That! , the best cooking techniques are those that not only help create delicious dishes, but also help retain high amounts of vitamins and nutrients.

"We can all agree that the healthiest methods of cooking will help retain the natural nutritional benefits of food while at the same time producing a delicious and flavorful product," says Michele Smallidge, Ed.D.RD, Program Director of Exercise Science at the School of Health. Sciences, University of New Heaven.

Smallidge explains that roasting, baking, boiling, and sautéing with less water or oil are healthy choices in cooking methods. He also explains that roasting , for example, can help improve the taste and nutritional content of some vegetables.

“Unfortunately, not all can be treated equally, as not all vegetables and cooking methods produce such a positive effect. In fact, some methods can degrade heat- and light-sensitive nutrients and vitamins, such as vitamin C and some B vitamins," Smallidge said.

Because of this, he recommends changing your cooking method more often while still making sure it's healthy. Smallidge also cautions against using saturated fat – butter, margarine, cream or lard – and not adding too much salt.

Then, what are the best methods to get healthy food?

1. Steaming

This is a method of cooking that is not only easy and simple, but also has many health benefits. According to research conducted by Cornell University, steaming vegetables, such as carrots, bell peppers, and cabbage, can help provide more antioxidants than when eaten raw.

Water-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin C and most of the B vitamins, can also be stored more during steaming than in boiling. This is because food is in less contact with water.

2. Cooking with pressure

According to the Cleveland Clinic, pressure cooking can help retain nutrients during the cooking process. For example, in another study published in the Journal of Food Science, researchers found that broccoli retains 90 percent of its vitamin C content when prepared in a pressure cooker.

Kimberly Gomer, MS, RD, LDN, Director of Nutrition at Pritikin Longevity Center, says using the Instant Pot for pressure cooking is probably one of the easiest and healthiest ways to prepare meals.

3. Vacuum

This method uses an airtight bag containing food that is placed in a container of water at a certain temperature with a long cooking time to help create delicious culinary creations. This method not only locks in moisture which results in food juicy , but also has various health benefits.

For example, according to Sous Vide Magazine, non-invasive cooking temperatures and the use of a vacuum seal help preserve water-soluble vitamins such as vitamins C and B.

4. Roasting

Smallidge explained that cooking food by roasting is one method that can help improve the taste of food as well as its nutritional content.

Roasting itself is a food ripening technique using fats or oils that are naturally contained in ingredients or not at a temperature of at least 150 degrees. Generally it is used for roasting large food ingredients.

" Roasting the vegetables with a little oil and gram, can improve the flavor and increased nutrients such as beta carotene, lycopene (a carotenoid that can help reduce the risk of heart disease), and calcium. In this case, the cooking process pays off,” said Smallidge.

However, it is important to understand that this depends on the type of food. This method can increase the nutritional content of one type of food but can also decrease the other.

5. Saute

Sauteing is not only a great way to prepare foods, such as vegetables and meat, but also a healthier alternative. But it is important to pay attention to what ingredients are used for sauteing.

For example, a study conducted in Spain found that sautéing broccoli in olive or sunflower oil helped to better retain the vegetable's vitamin C content.

So, which cooking method will be your favorite for a healthier life?

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