Recipe for Garang Asem Chicken TOP

We will find the recipe for Garang Asem Chicken in Pekalongan Kudus Solo, Semarang. So, is the method of making this dish the same from every region?, which is definitely delicious.

Okay, let's check together how to process Garang Asem and serve our traditional Javanese culinary specialties, which are made from chicken, although fish can actually be done, you have to prepare a lot of spices in cooking Garang Asem, for example, there is something unusual in it. the use of star fruit vegetables that have a sour taste. This fierce Javanese dish is enough to make our mouths fresh, because of the sauce.
The Garang Asem recipe is processed in such a way that it creates a distinctive taste, delicious and delicious at the same time, even though some don't use coconut milk, it's almost the same. How to make Garang Asem Chicken. 


Chicken Sour Garang Recipe
Material Composition:

  • You prepare 1/2 chicken, cut into small pieces
  • Can add 10 Ampela Ayam, clean
  • 2 limes

Garang tamarind seasoning:

  • 10 Shallots
  • 4 pieces of Garlic
  • 10 Slices Galangal, thinly sliced
  • 6 Vegetable Starfruit (very sour)
  • 2 green tomatoes
  • 5 green chilies, seeds removed
  • 5 red chilies, remove the seeds
  • 5 red chilies, left whole
  • 1 Pack of Powdered Chicken Broth for flavoring
  • prepare 1.5 liters of water
  • also 200 ml Coconut Milk Kara
  • Salt to taste

How to make Garang Asem Chicken

- First of all, coat the chicken meat and gizzard with lime juice, then let stand for 5-10 minutes, then wash thoroughly.
- then steam the chicken and gizzard until cooked. lift drain.
- Then roughly chop all the spices (except the cayenne pepper).

Next, boil clean water with coconut milk, until the water boils.
- Now add the chicken and gizzard, as well as all the spices.
- then add here the broth, salt to taste.
- Finally, cook until cooked, also the spices permeate while stirring occasionally so that the coconut milk doesn't break, that's how ferocious the sour taste is.

Description of the Garang tamarind recipe

Cooking time: 40 minutes
Number of servings: 4 people
Estimated number of calories: 150 Calories

Finished this delicious ferocious sour dish from Java, he said, the famous ferocious from Kudus and Solo, fresh from vegetable starfruit acid, spicy from chilies hahahhaha, although it can also be made from chicken gizzard liver or fish, just TOP POP with the dish menu this, really worth a try, a delicious dish different from the chicken menu. OK, friend, let's close the article on the Recipe for Garang Asem Chicken, good luck processing this preparation and sharing it with relatives and friends.

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