Thick Beef Curry Recipe and Savory Seasoning
Beef goulash can always be a good stock side dish. The spices are complete with a strong savory spicy taste. It's good as a side dish for rice.
Beef curry is a type of processed beef typical of Sumatra. This preparation is known as the initial stage in making rendang.
Goulash that is cooked until thick will be kalio and if cooked until dry it will be rendang. Complete spices and fresh coconut milk are the key to the delicacy of this dish.
Choose fatty beef for a more savory taste. Coconut oil and beef fat give it a special savory taste. You can follow the recipe and tips for making it in the recipe beef curry following .
Beef Curry Recipe
Total Serving Time : 90 Minute
For Presentation: 12 Portion
Recipe Title: Beef Curry
Category : onion
Cook : meat
Preparation Duration : 30 Minute
Cooking Duration: 60 Minute
Total Duration : 90 Minute
Nutrition: Calories
Material :
- 500 g fatty beef, cut into pieces
- 500 g of beef ribs pieces
- 5 lime leaves
- 3 bay leaves
- 2 lemongrass stalks, bruised
- 3 cm galangal, bruised
- 5 cm cinnamon
- 3 cloves
- 10 pieces of red chili
- 1 liter medium coconut milk
- 500 ml of thick coconut milk
- Ground spices:
- 10 red onions
- 8 cloves of garlic
- 3 large red chilies
- 2 cm jahe
- 3 cm turmeric
- 1 tsp pepper granules
- 1 tsp cumin
- 1 tbsp salt
- 10 g of brown sugar
How to Make Beef Curry:
- Bring enough water to a boil in a saucepan. Add beef and beef ribs. Cook until boiling again.
- Add bay leaves, lime leaves, cinnamon, lemon grass, galangal and cloves.
- Saute ground spices until fragrant and cooked. Remove and add to the beef stew.
- Cook until the boiling water is reduced and the meat is almost soft. Pour the coconut milk and cook until the meat is tender and the gravy is reduced.
- Add red chilies and thick coconut milk.
- Cook over low heat until the gravy is thick and slightly greasy.
- Remove and serve warm.
Tips for making beef curry:
1. Beef with a little fat is suitable to be processed into beef curry . Because it can give a delicious savory taste.
2. Saute the spices until completely cooked so that the aroma is not unpleasant.
3. Always use low heat when boiling so that the spices absorb perfectly.
4. Use fresh coconut milk so that the beef curry tastes savory, slightly sweet and more delicious.
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