Long-lasting Crispy Flour Fried Squid Recipe

Calamari or also called flour fried squid is a typical Greek snack that is popular in Indonesia.

The squid used to make calamari are small or medium in size, so when cut into rounds they are not too big.

You can use wheat flour mixed with spices or directly all-purpose flour.

Crispy fried squid recipe

Ingredients for deep-fried squid

  • 1 kg small or medium size squid
  • 120 grams of all-purpose flour (can be substituted with all-purpose flour)
  • Salt and pepper powder to taste
  • Enough oil for frying
  • 1 tsp chopped parsley for garnish
  • Lemon slices for garnish

How to make crispy flour fried squid

  1. Clean the squid, remove the stomach. Take the squid head, remove the ink. Set the squid tentacles aside for frying later.
  2. Cut the squid into round or ring shapes. Season the squid with salt and pepper. Coat the squid with flour, patting to remove any remaining flour.
  3. Heat cooking oil in a frying pan. Fry the squid until the outside is browned. Do not fry the squid too long because it can become tough.
  4. Lift and drain. Serve on a plate, garnish with parsley and lemon wedges. Eat deep-fried squid with your favorite sauce.

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