Recipe for Tempe Bacem, Legit and Seasonings Seep

Tempe bacem is one of the processed tempeh that has a sweet and delicious taste. Usually, processed foods made from ground soybeans are easy to find in Central Java and Yogyakarta. The tempe bacem recipe is also quite sought after because it can be a mainstay when someone wants to prepare food stock at home.

Tempe bacem is usually served alone or as a complement to other foods such as soto. The taste is savory, legit, and pervasive, of course, making tempeh lovers addicted.

Come on, take a look at recipe which consists of a list of ingredients and easy steps to make it in the style of the Cheche Kitchen below! 

Tempe Bacem Recipe 

  • 550 gr tempe (2 packs)
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 1 lemongrass stalk
  • 500 ml water / to taste
  • Tamarind to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • 40-50 gr gula aren
  • 6-7 tbsp sweet soy sauce
  • 40 gr of galangal
  • 35 gr garlic
  • 50 g red onion
  • 1-1.5 tbsp coriander
  • 3 hazelnuts
  • Right amount of oil
How to Make Tempe Bacem
  1. Prepare tempe, then cut according to taste. It is recommended to cut thicker so that the spices can penetrate better. Set aside the tempeh.
  2. Prepare the container. Add 1-1.5 tablespoons of coriander, 40 grams of galangal, 50 grams of onion, and 30-35 grams of garlic, 3 candlenuts, then add enough cooking oil. Blend the ground spices until the texture is smooth. You can also grind it manually by grinding it.
  3. Heat the oil and fry the ground spices for a while. Add 1 stalk of lemongrass and 2/3 of dayn salam. Add palm sugar or brown sugar and add water according to the tempeh used.
  4. Add 4-5 tablespoons of sweet soy sauce first. Mix well. Add tamarind to taste.
  5. Add the tempeh or tofu. Mix the tempeh until the tempeh gravy is evenly distributed. Taste correction.
  6. Add salt to taste about 1 tsp - 1.5 tsp salt. Cover the pot to allow the spices to infuse. Can be inverted so that it is evenly distributed over the entire surface.
  7. Cover and reduce the heat until the water is evenly distributed. Look at the surface of the tempe which is dry and slightly charred.
  8. You can eat it right away or fry it first.
  9. Tempe bacem you can save for some time.
That's a list of the ingredients needed and a very easy bacem tempeh recipe. Good luck!  

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