Consumption of Sweetened Condensed Milk Daily with Ideal Dosage

Sweetened condensed milk is one of the ingredients to enhance the taste of versatile foods that are delicious, practical, and economical.

This processed milk product is made by removing the water content in the milk until it thickens. Then, this milk is added a little sugar as a natural preservative.

Its delicious taste and soft texture make it easy to add to food or drink. Moreover, sweetened condensed milk is available in various flavors so that it can add to the creation of snacks.

Not surprisingly, sweetened condensed milk is loved by all levels of Indonesian society. In fact, sweetened condensed milk has become an inseparable ingredient of culinary developments in the country.

However, there are many rules for consuming sweetened condensed milk that must be considered for optimal benefits.

The rules for drinking milk include the recommended dose, age, nutritional needs of a person, to the physical condition of milk, such as packaging and expiration date.

Reported The Newbie food from several sources, the following is an explanation of the content, ideal dosage, and tips for consuming good sweetened condensed milk.

Condensed milk content

In addition to its delicious taste and easy to combine with food or drink, sweetened condensed milk also has various ingredients that are beneficial for the body.

In general, sweetened condensed milk that reads "Full Cream" on the packaging is made from fresh milk and contains a combination of macronutrients, namely protein, carbohydrates, and fat.

Sweetened condensed milk usually contains as much as 130 kilocalories (kcal) of energy per sachet and has a variety of vitamins and minerals. 

Consumption of sweetened condensed milk that suits the needs of the body and combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise can also support the nutritional needs of the family. 

Please note, sweetened condensed milk can be consumed as needed for all ages, except infants aged 0-12 months.

Ideal calorie requirement

Calorie counting is very important to know the energy needs of each person. This is useful for planning a good diet, such as losing or gaining weight.

Everyone's energy needs are different depending on their gender, age, height, weight, and activities.

The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) through the Minister of Health Regulation (Permenkes) Number 28 of 2019 recommends the community to meet energy adequacy of 2,100 kcal per day.

Launching The Newbie food , Thursday (10/28/2021), calories can be calculated using the Harris-Benedict equation, or a standard equation commonly used to assess calorie needs. This method can be found in applications or nutritional calculators. 

The nutrition calculator will ask you to enter demographic information to calculate your basic calorie requirement or basal metabolic rate (BMR).

This number can be scaled with the physical activity factor to calculate the intensity of exercise performed by a person.

The following is an example of measuring calorie needs using the Harris-Benedict method which is carried out on a person who weighs 48 kg, and is 170 centimeters (cm) tall.

For an 18-year-old woman who exercises about 2-3 times per week, it takes 2,365 calories per day. Meanwhile, for a 25-year-old man who exercises 6-7 times a week, 3,182 calories are needed. 

Then, if a woman aged 40 years who exercised only 1-2 times per week, her daily calorie is 1,967 calories. Finally, an elderly man aged 70 years who exercised 4-5 times per week, needed calories of 2,448 calories. 

The ideal dose of sweetened condensed milk

Launching The Newbie food , Friday (10/8/2022), Clinical Nutrition Specialist Dr. dr. Inge Permadhi, Sp.GK explained, the ideal dose of sweetened condensed milk is what the body needs.

Meanwhile, another Clinical Nutrition Specialist, dr. Dian Permatasari, M.Gizi., Sp.GK said that the ideal dose of sweetened condensed milk can refer to the limit of each person's daily sugar consumption.

Tips for consuming sweetened condensed milk

After knowing the dose of sweetened condensed milk, here are some tips for consuming it to get more optimal benefits.

First, make sweetened condensed milk as a topping or sprinkle on the breakfast menu.

For example, sweetened condensed milk can be used as a topping on the breakfast menu, such as pancakes, milk bread, waffles, to black sticky rice porridge.

Not only adding to the delicacy, sweetened condensed milk can also be an energy source. The reason is, each serving contains 130 kcal, while the daily adult calorie requirement requires about 2,100 kcal.

Before buying, make sure the sweetened condensed milk packaging is in good condition. Also check the expiration date, distribution permit of the product, to the information on the label to check the sweetened thick calories. 

Sweetened condensed milk can be found at the nearest warung, minimarket , to supermarkets and is available in various forms, from cans, pouches , to sachets at affordable prices. That way, people can easily consume and store it again.

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