How to Distinguish a Gelonggongan Cow, Avoid Cheating When Buying Sacrifice

Eid al-Adha 2022 is only a matter of days, many Muslims are planning or have even chosen sacrificial animals.

However, before choosing a sacrificial animal, you should know the eligibility requirements as a sacrificial animal.

Also avoid sacrificial animals such as cows, because it means that the marketed weight is not the actual weight of the cow.

Check out the explanation from the veterinarian as well as livestock expert at the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) Supratikno, how to avoid cheating cow or goat sellers when choosing sacrificial animals.

Get to know the physical condition of the wavy cow

Tikno said that it was quite easy to distinguish between fat cattle because they were hounded and fat cattle because they were healthy.

"It's hard to be lied to, because even if you hound it, it's only for a moment, and the water will also come out through urine," said Tikno when contacted by The NEWBIE food online on Tuesday (7/6/2022).

According to Tikno, this can be confirmed through the physical condition of the livestock. Like seeing body shape, hair condition, and legs.

"Cattle (especially cows) that are fat because they have a lot of meat are cows that are gilik (full and long) like a torpedo, the distance between the left and right legs is wide, and the body shape is rectangular," he said.

Tikno said that cheating is easier when buying livestock online.

In addition, the physical condition of the livestock must be checked, even though the weight of the livestock is quite heavy. 

This is to cover the possibility of defects in livestock.

The fraudulent extraction of the teeth of the sacrificial cattle

In addition to cheating in the case of barking cows, another fraud that is commonly done is pulling the teeth of cattle.

"People usually chase cattle that have changed teeth, meaning that it is worthy to be sacrificed," he said.

Tikno said that usually a fraudulent trader would pull out the cattle's teeth with pliers, so that the buyer thought the cattle were old enough.

"This often happens to goats, they are easier to handle because they are small. Unlike cows, which are quite difficult to handle because they are big.

Therefore, Tikno advises to carefully observe the physical condition and be careful in terms of livestock health certificates in order to avoid cheating. 

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