Easy Ways to Choose Eligible Livestock for Eid Al-Adha Sacrifice

Cara Mudah Pilih Ternak Layak untuk Kurban Idul Adha

Eid al-Adha or commonly known as the Feast of Sacrifice is commemorated by Muslims with the slaughter of sacrificial animals.

Ahead of the celebration of Eid al-Adha 2022 which is commemorated on July 9, 2022, the intensity of buying and selling livestock is starting to get busy.

At least there are some livestock that are commonly used as sacrificial animals in Indonesia, such as cows, goats, buffalo, sheep, and camels.

Each animal has its own advantages and characteristics.

Therefore, buyers who want to sacrifice must be smart in choosing suitable cattle for sacrifice.

Supaya tidak salah pilih hewan kurban, simak tips dari dokter hewan sekaligus pakar ternak di Institut Pertanian Bogor Supratikno berikut.

In order not to choose the wrong animal for sacrifice, consider the following tips from a veterinarian as well as a livestock expert at the Bogor Agricultural Institute, Supratikno. 

Choose the type of beef cattle

Two of the livestock that are often used for sacrifice in Indonesia are cows and goats.

Each of these animals has many types according to body shape, weight, and origin.

Tikno said that from the many types of cattle and goats in Indonesia, both of them can be grouped into two types, namely the beef type and the milk type. 

Read also : 4 Eligible Conditions for Cows and Goats for Eid Al-Adha Sacrifice

Meat type animals have a greater quantity of meat than the milk type, and vice versa.

According to Tikno, the livestock that should be used for sacrificial animals is beef cattle. This is done in order to maximize the purpose of qurbani, which is to share animal meat with the community.

The greater the amount of meat, the greater the stock of meat that can be shared.

"For the type of sucker like the Etawa goat, the meat is less, because they are the type of sucker," said Tikno when contacted by The Newbie News via online on Tuesday (7/6/2022).

The same applies to cows, you should choose beef with the criteria for beef, and avoid dairy cows.

Some beef cattle and goats that are suitable for sacrifice are limousine cattle, simmental cattle, peanut goats, marica goats, and costa goats. 

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