The Padang Babi Rice is awesome in Jakarta, this is how to check the pork content in food for yourself

Recently, member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the PAN faction, Guspardi Gaus, regretted that there was a restaurant selling Nasi Padang which was allegedly made from pork .

He explained that restaurant owners promote their products through delivery services and market pork grilled rice, pork rendang rice, pork curry, etc.

Reporting from The Newbie, Guspardi Gaus said that the owner of a non-halal Padang food restaurant in Kelapa Gading Timur, North Jakarta should not be justified and allowed to go.

"What is the purpose and motive of the restaurant owner providing non-halal food using the typical Minangkabau menu name?" he said.

"The use of Minangkabau identity in the menu Padang cuisine is clearly unusual and unacceptable," he continued. 

For Muslims, foods containing pork must be avoided because it is haram.

For this reason, Muslims must be careful in choosing food to avoid pork.

Well, for those of you who don't want to eat pork, the the newbie food team has several ways to identify pork in food/drinks. Come on, see more.

How to Identify Pork in Food

1. There is a Special Sign 

Regulation of the Head of BPOM RI number 12 of 2016 states that processed foods containing certain ingredients from pork must include a special sign.

A special sign on food containing pork ingredients in the form of the words "Contains Pork" and a red pork logo next to it.

This is so that Indonesian consumers can easily identify foods or drinks that contain pork.

BPOM RI Regulation Number 12 of 2016 also states that writing that food originating from pork must be followed by the word 'pork', for example " pork ", "pork gelatin", "pork fat", etc. 

2. Pork Content Test

The public can independently test the pork content of a product.

The pork content test can be done using the Pork Detection Test or Porcine Test which is sold in online stores, with a price of around IDR 250 thousand.

This Porcine Test can check processed meat foods such as meatballs, corned beef, etc.

Users just need to do the test steps according to the instructions listed.

The waiting time for the results of the pork content test is less than 15 minutes.

This test kit is in the form of strips and is used for qualitative tests.

The advantages of this Test Kit are 98-99% accuracy rate, easy to use, easy to carry, and the results are easy to know.

Positive results are indicated by the appearance of 2 red lines, which indicate the food contains pork 

The way it works is by detecting the presence of pork using the immunochromatographic (lateral flow) method.

The method makes the antigen of the sample bound by a specific antibody attached to the color microparticles, which then flows into the test line and mixes with the swine antibody.

So that a red line will be formed if the result is positive.

This test kit has been tested on various types of meat such as beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, deer, and rabbit as well as on human blood where the results were negative.

Generally, the samples used in this test are raw meat, gelatin, processed meat products, cooked meat, oil, cooking utensils, and surface swabs. 

3. Use the BPOM Check Application

Currently, there are various applications that can be used to find out the halal status of food/beverage products, drugs, beauty, etc.

We can install an application called CEK BPOM which provides information about food and medicine at BPOM and the content in it.

In addition, we can also access the BPOM Check site at the following link to find out the product composition, distribution permit, etc. 

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