[POPULAR FOOD] Bread Pizza Recipe | Coconut Caramel Sponge Recipe

How to make simple plain bread pizza for breakfast is one of the articles that is widely read in The Newbie  Food edition 23-25 ​​June 2022.

[POPULER FOOD] Resep Pizza Roti Tawar | Resep Bolu Karamel Kelapa

Readers also like articles about the history or origins of Neapolitan ice cream worldwide. Do not miss the simple daily cooking recipes and old school cakes are also in demand by readers.

The most popular news The Newbie Food edition 23-25 ​​June 2022 can be read in full below.

1. Bread Pizza Recipe, Practical and Quick Snack to Make

Pizza dough is usually made from a mixture of flour, yeast, and water. However, if you don't have time to make pizza dough, you can use plain bread.

Toppings of plain bread pizza can be adjusted to taste such as button mushrooms, pineapple, and olives. After finishing arranging the toppings , bake the white bread pizza in the oven.

2. Learn More About the Worldwide Neapolitan Ice Cream

ice cream Neapolitan is widely sold in the market. There are three flavors in one package, namely chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla.

There may be some people who think that Neapolitan originated in the United States. However, the ice cream actually comes from Naples, Italy. 

3. Recipe for Sauteed Papaya Leaf Fish Jambal , Healthy Food Tastes Good

The combination of bitter papaya leaves with jambal fish produces healthy and delicious dishes. You can use salted jambal fish instead of salt.

How to process papaya leaves and jambal fish is enough to be stir-fried with simple spices such as garlic, onion, and chili. 

4. 7 Delicious Places to Eat in Purwokerto to Stimulate Your Taste, Have You Tried It?

If you are on vacation in Purwokerto, make time for culinary. You can try the typical food of Purwokerto such as sroto and soto sokaraja.

Some of the places to eat in Purwokerto that are famous for being delicious are RM Sroto, Lombok Idjo, and Umaeh Inyong. 

5. Steamed Caramel Sponge Recipe, The Result is Soft and Fluffy

Steamed caramel sponge or ant nest cake is an old school snack that until now many still like it.

You have to prepare the basic ingredients for sponge and caramel. Some of them are flour, milk, eggs, and sugar. 

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