Mushroom Chicken Sandwich Recipe, Simple Breakfast Menu Before Going to the Office

The breakfast menu is identical to food that is simple and doesn't take long to make in the morning.

A serving sandwiches seems to be a solution for those of you who are still confused about the breakfast menu before leaving for the office.

There are various sandwich that you can try, such as sandwiches filled with eggs, vegetables, beef , and chicken. If you want more variety, you can combine sandwich such as chicken and mushrooms.

A little advice, you should not use too much chili sauce for friends to eat sandwiches , this is done to avoid your stomach hurting while working.

The recipe sandwich mushroom chicken A variety of Sandwiches for Snacks & Practical Healthy Recipes for Kids " (2011) by Threes Emir published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama below.

recipe sandwich Mushroom chicken

Ingredients Sandwich Mushroom Chicken 

  • 2 combs of white bread
  • 100 grams boneless chicken breast (boiled and cut into small pieces)
  • 8 button mushrooms (cut into 4 pieces)
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • 50 ml liquid milk
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste

How to make sandwich mushroom chicken

1. Heat the butter in a frying pan using medium heat, then add the flour and cook while stirring until there are no lumps of dough.

2. Add chicken, mushrooms, and liquid milk to the flour mixture. After that add salt and pepper.

3. Remove and serve the mushroom chicken for the bread filling.

The book " Various Sandwiches for Snacks & Practical Healthy Recipes for Kids " (2011) by Threes Emir published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama can be purchased online at .

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