Recipe for Chicken Rendang, a simple side dish that tastes spicy

rendang is a dish made from processed chicken that you can cook in large quantities and save for a side dish the next day.

recipe rendang is quite simple with easy-to-find ingredients, such as coconut milk and other aromatic spices.

How to make chicken rendang is no less easy. Chicken cooked with coconut milk, spices and roasted coconut. Cook until the spices absorb.

chicken rendang seasoning uses ingredients including turmeric, coriander, and galangal.

For more details, see how to cook chicken rendang from the book " Culinary Jambi: Tracing Traces of Malay, It " (2017) by Murdijati Garjito published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. 

Chicken rendang recipe


  • 1 chicken, cut into 8 parts
  • 175 ml thick coconut milk
  • 3 tbsp sugar
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1 coconut, grated and roasted
  • 2 tbsp oil for frying
  • 2 pieces of turmeric leaves, tied in a knot
  • 4 lemongrass stalks, crushed

Ground spices

  • 10 red onions
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • 3 hazelnuts
  • 1 cm when
  • 2 cm gap
  • 1 cm ginger
  • 3 tbsp ground chili
  • 1 tbsp coriander powder

How to cook chicken rendang

  1. Heat enough cooking oil, saute ground spices until fragrant. Add the sugar, mix well.
  2. Add the chicken and salt, stir until the spices are absorbed, wait for the chicken to change color or until half cooked.
  3. Pour coconut milk, mix well. Heat until cooked, turn off the stove and add the roasted coconut, mix well.
  4. Chicken rendang is ready to serve and enjoy while still warm.

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