Tek-Tek Noodle Recipe, a Hot Dish to Boost Immune System

Increase endurance by consuming tek-tek noodles

Indonesia has a variety of noodle dishes spread throughout the archipelago, one of which is Mie tek-tek which is a typical dish on the island of Java. No need to come to Central Java, culinary friends can make your own tek-tek noodles in your home kitchen to serve to your beloved family. What's interesting about the tek-tek noodle dish is that this dish can be cooked in two ways, namely the dry version which is stir-fried or the wet version by boiling in broth. This recipe is a dry version of tek-tek noodles that can be eaten combined with other protein foods such as Basil Fried Chicken . To increase endurance, give vegetables in more quantities and reduce the use of oil. Happy cooking!


  • 1 pack of dried egg noodles, boiled until cooked, drained
  • 200 g cabbage, thinly sliced
  • 150 gr mustard greens, cut into the size of a forefinger
  • 6 beef meatballs, cut into four
  • 5 red bird's eye chilies, thinly sliced
  • 1 egg
  • 4 spring onions, cut into 3 cm
  • 1 tsp Royco Beef Broth
  • 2 tbsp Bango Sweet Soy Sauce
  • 4 tbsp oil, for frying

Seasonings (mash with a blender):
  • 5 pecans, roasted
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 3 red onions
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • tsp white pepper powder
  • tsp salt

Cooking method

  1. In a wok pan, add oil and fry the ground spices and red chilies until fragrant. Add the eggs, stir until they become scrambled.
  2. Add cabbage, mustard greens, and meatballs, mix well. Add the noodles, Royco Beef Broth, and Bango Sweet Soy Sauce. Stir and cook until all the spices are evenly mixed.
  3. Add the onions, mix well. Lift.
  4. Serve warm accompanied by complements such as crackers and pickles.

If you want to make this tek-tek noodle more complete, you can also add shredded chicken or even make it a version with seafood. 

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