Shrimp Stir-fry Recipe

Stir-fried kangkung prawns, a simple menu with a special taste

Kangkung is one of the most popular types of vegetables in Indonesia. Its distinctive crunchy texture makes it a favorite of many. In addition, kale is included in vegetables that are easy to find, the price is friendly, and it is not difficult to process. No wonder the recipe for stir-fried kale, for example, is often an option for cooking at home.

Before processing, cut the roots and wash them under running water to remove the sap on the stems. In addition to being boiled for fresh vegetables, kale can also be sauteed. The seasoning for stir-fried kale is not too much so it is practical to cook. Then, add a little Bango Sweet Soy Sauce to make it even stronger. This kale shrimp recipe is suitable as a home menu that can be served day or night. Let's try how to make stir-fried kangkong below!


  • 1 clove of garlic, finely sliced
  • 2 red onions, finely sliced
  • kg small prawns, peeled
  • 3 bunches of kale, noon
  • 1 tsp salt
  • tsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp Bango Sweet Soy Sauce
  • 100 ml water
  • 2 tbsp oil, for frying

Cooking method

  • Heat oil, saute onion and garlic until fragrant.
  • Add the prawns, cook until they change color.
  • Add kale, salt, sugar, water, and Bango Sweet Soy Sauce. Stir well.
  • Cook until the kale starts to wilt.
  • Lift and serve.

How to cook stir-fried kale turns out to be followed by anyone, right? This vegetable is also suitable as a side dish for various side dishes, such as tripe gongso , grilled carp , and soy sauce chicken . Plus this recipe for stir-fried kale as a companion, various dishes for your beloved family are getting more complete.

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