Padang Specialty Egg Tea Recipe, Add Stamina During the Transition Season

Resep Teh Telur Khas Padang, Tambah Stamina Saat Musim Pancaroba
Resep Teh Telur Khas Padang, Tambah Stamina Saat Musim Pancaroba

tea Talua or egg tea is a typical West Sumatran drink made from a mixture of warm tea and raw eggs.

Although the ingredients used look simple, there is a special technique used when beating eggs so that they don't leave a fishy smell and taste.

The trick is to beat the eggs in the glass in one direction quickly and constantly until the texture is fluffy and frothy. Also, add a little lime juice for added flavor.

tea talua at home, you should use duck eggs or you can also use free-range chicken eggs.

This was said by Dani, a talua at the 2022 Minang Luhak Nan Tigo Cultural Festival on Friday (22/7/2022).

tea talua typical of West Sumatra can be seen in the book " Small Street Food Typical Padang " (2009) by Linda Carolina Brotodjojo published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama below.

tea recipe Egg

Egg tea ingredients:

  • 2 teaspoons tea powder
  • 300 milliliters of water
  • 1 egg yolk (chicken egg or duck egg)
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar
  • 1 slice of lime

How to make field egg tea:

1. Boil the tea with water until it boils, then reduce the heat.

2. Mix egg yolks and sugar in a glass, then stir with a spoon until the egg yolks are frothy and slightly white in color. After that, pour the boiling tea into a glass filled with beaten eggs.

3. Stir the eggs and tea until well blended, then add a little lime juice to remove the fishy smell of eggs. tea Talua is ready to be served warm. 

The book " Small Street Food Typical Padang " (2009) by Linda Carolina Brotodjojo published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama can be purchased online at

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