This is the cheapest country to travel to (and you can book right now)

We focus on the money that you are going to spend once there: this is the destination where you are going to be able to have an exotic luxury vacation without coming back broke. 

For those of you who have been wondering where to (fuck...) go on vacation in recent weeks, the solution might be a little easier than it seems. Am I looking for accommodation near one of the best Spanish beaches with hotels at 99.9 percent occupancy? Am I embarking on a trip to Europe with the prices of flights in the air? Do I break the piggy bank and go further, knowing that a devilish autumn awaits us with various crises? Yes, there are a thousand wonderful destinations, but we take that last factor into account and decide that we want to take a trip in saving mode, the options, suddenly, become scarce.

We are talking about pasta, yes. The goal is triple, good, nice and cheap. We will get it?

In recent times we have become accustomed to saving on travel, for example looking for flight offers at a specific time like expert hackers. We have also rethought the world of campsites (these are the best in Spain, France and Portugal) , which offer different types of accommodation at good prices. But this time we are going to focus on the destination itself being cheap.

So the trick is to book our trip to the least expensive destination. If you don't feel like doing the research on your own, here's the answer: it's Cambodia. 

The Asian country is by far the cheapest in the world for tourists. Of course, Thailand and Indonesia are also cheap. But Cambodia, data in hand, prevails in that table. Now, you may be thinking if Esquire is going to be so nice to pay for the tickets, but this was the deal: do what you can to get there... because, once there, you will spend much less than you spend in your day to day at home. Hotels are cheap, food is super cheap, excursions are very reasonably priced, it's a perfect backpacker destination... That said, the answer to your prayers is Cambodia.

Plus, it's not just cheap. It is a beautiful country. White and deceiving beaches, excellent gastronomy and an enviable cultural offer. Not to mention forests, mountains, temples and breathtaking views. If, for example, you are looking for an exotic luxury vacation of 15 or 20 days for a budget similar to that of a week in Paris, you already know where to go. 

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