The 10 best and worst countries to move to and work in if you want to change your life

Surely more than one will surprise you if you are looking for a change of scenery in 2022.

The pandemic has changed the way many people work and many companies have opened up to smartworking. Now digital nomads are not oddities, they are realities. Moving, traveling and working is a lifestyle that has suddenly involved more and more people around the world.

So choosing the right country to go becomes crucial, knowing the quality of life, the work culture and the opportunities that open depending on the latitude is the research that needs to be done. Expat Insider has ranked the best and worst places to work, based on surveys of expats who already live there.

Sad spoiler: Cyprus is the third worst country, while Turkey is the worst of all... and Spain does not appear. 


The economic difficulties, the mismanagement of the pandemic, the work schedules, the very conservative and rigid culture, do not make Turkey the best place to move to work. And Expat's statistics clearly reflect this, placing it at the bottom of the list.


Since these international surveys began in 2014, the transalpine country has been consistently among the last 10 positions. Due to the high unemployment rate (9%) and few job opportunities, many survey participants voted in the negative.


Cyprus also comes out badly, although the situation, according to the survey, is more heterogeneous. However, the most serious problem that emerges from interviews with foreign workers is the issue of job security, which is long overdue.

Denmark and Norway

As you can imagine, we go to the other side of the classification, where, as usual, the Scandinavian countries tend to stand out. Expat respondents are almost all satisfied with their work in Northern Europe. The issue that stands out as absolutely positive is the very light work schedule. In Denmark the working week is only 37 hours.

New Zealand

The island of The Lord of the Rings , in the Pacific, is apparently the second best place to work if you're a digital nomad. 83% of those surveyed are especially happy with their work and personal situation. The job opportunities are also many and interesting, so keep your eyes open in this beautiful country on the other side of the world from us.

Kuwait and Japan

It may surprise you, but these two countries show up negatively in Expat's surveys. The issue is, again, working hours, which, of course, have a substantial influence on people's quality of life. For example, in Japan working hours are above the world average, with 44.9 hours per week in contrast to the usual 43.2 hours in most countries of the world.


Taiwan also tops the list as the best place to work if you are from abroad. Job security and strict anti-Covid measures gave respondents a lot of confidence. Job prospects are also very good, and smartworking is widespread and well organized. In short, in 2021, Taiwan seems to be a good place to move to live and work.

Czech Republic

Another European country is ranked first, especially for the quality of work and the amount of free time. For freelancers and self-employed people, this is probably one of the best countries to move to. 

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