5 Ways to Process Brown Rice Correctly, the Results are Fluffy and Not Hard

Brown rice is one of the food ingredients full of fiber, vitamins, and minerals that are good for consumption every day.

In contrast to white rice, brown rice has a more plain or bland taste. In addition, the texture of brown rice is also tougher or spongy than white rice.

If you have brown rice in stock at home, there way to cook brown rice so that the nutrients are not lost.

1. Types of red rice in Indonesia

Reported from the book " Indonesian Taste Tumpeng Dishes " by Wied Harry Apriadji, publisher of PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

In supermarkets or traditional markets, you often find two types of brown rice. There is brown rice with whole epidermis and brown rice with peeled skin.

Of course, both have different ways of cooking brown rice.

Brown rice with husks requires more water during cooking than peeled brown rice.

2. Soak the brown rice

Also quoted from the book " REAL FOOD TRUE HEALTHY Healthy Food for a Healthier Life " (2008) by Dr. Ir. Muhammad Ahkam Subroto, M.App.Sc. publisher PT AgroMedia Pustaka.

Brown rice needs to be soaked overnight. Soak in clean water with a ratio of two to one between water and brown rice.

The ratio may vary depending on the rice variety. You can use enough water until the water is absorbed by the brown rice. 

3. How to cook brown rice in a pan

There is a way to cook brown rice using a pan. Cook the brown rice and water mixture until it boils.

Cover the pot and reduce the heat, let it sit for 45 minutes.

Check the contents of the pot and taste the rice to make sure it is done. 

4. How to cook brown rice in rice cooker

There way to cook brown rice , namely by using a rice cooker .

Rice cookers have different ratios of ingredients and times for each brand.

Therefore, it is necessary to experiment with cooking brown rice to find out the right dose and time.

It's just that, you can use the recommended dose of clean water as much as three to one between water and brown rice when you are going to cook it in the rice cooker .

5. Stir the rice before serving

When the brown rice is cooked, make sure you stir it so that the steam heats evenly. 

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