Recipe for Tender Mutton Tongseng and Infused Seasoning

Resep Tongseng Daging Kambing Empuk dan Bumbu Meresap
Resep Tongseng Daging Kambing Empuk dan Bumbu Meresap

Goat meat can be processed into a delicious tongseng dish. For those who want to make it yourself at home, there is a recipe that is quite easy to try. Just look at the description of the recipe below.

  • 500 grams of goat meat
  • 1/4 cabbage, chopped
  • 2 tomatoes, cut
  • 2 onions, sliced ​​diagonally
  • 1 lemongrass stalk, crushed
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 lime leaves
  • 4 tbsp sweet soy sauce
  • sugar, salt and stock to taste
Ground spices
  • 5 red onions
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 1 segment of turmeric
  • 2 hazelnuts
How to make

Rebus daging kambing hingga empuk. Angkat dan tiriskan.
Rebus daging kambing hingga empuk. Angkat dan tiriskan.

1. Boil the mutton until tender. Lift and drain.

2. Saute ground spices until fragrant.

3. Put the meat into the stir fry.

4. Add soy sauce and water. Cook until boiling.

5. Add sugar, salt and stock. Taste correction.

6. Add the cabbage, tomatoes and scallions. Stir well. Lift and serve.

It's quite easy, right, this mutton tongseng recipe? Good luck and hope you like it!

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