Has Its Own Characteristics, This Is The Difference Between Cuanki Meatballs and Malang Meatballs!

Meatballs are one of the most popular foods and are known to all people from various regions in Indonesia. This food, which is mainly made from beef and tapioca flour, can be found in various regions in Indonesia.

Bakso merupakan salah satu makanan yang paling diminati dan dikenal semua kalangan dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Makanan yang berbahan utama daging sapi dan tepung tapioka ini, dapat ditemui di berbagai daerah di Indonesia.  Akan tetapi, biasanya setiap daerah memiliki ciri khas tersendiri dalam menikmati hidangan satu ini. Contohnya di Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat. Bakso yang biasanya terkenal disana adalah Bakso Cuanki.  Tapi jika kita mengunjungi kota Malang, biasanya yang banyak dijual adalah Bakso Malang atau kerap disebut Bakwan Malang.  Kemajuan teknologi dan pengetahuan manusia menyebabkan kemampuan dalam modifikasi makanan dapat beragam.

However, usually each region has its own characteristics in enjoying this one dish. For example in the city of Bandung, West Java. Meatballs that are usually famous there are Meatballs Cuanki.

But if we visit the city of Malang, usually what is sold is Malang Bakso or often called Malang Bakwan.

Advances in technology and human knowledge cause the ability to modify food to vary.

The difference between Cuanki Meatballs and Malang Meatballs

Of the various types of meatballs available, what's the difference between Cuanki Meatballs and Malang Meatballs? Come on, see some of the differences!

1. Malang Bakwan or Malang Meatballs 

This dish has the following characteristics:

  • Malang meatballs have a variety of shapes and flavors that are more varied.
  • The stuffing for Malang meatballs or Bakwan Malang is not only round meatballs and noodles. But there are also fried dumplings, fried meatballs, tofu and dumplings
  • Malang meatball broth is also more fatty because it is cooked with beef bones and innards
  • Usually, to serve authentic Malang meatballs, the sauce served is also different from the sauce in general. Usually the seller provides a typical Malang tomato sauce which makes the meatball sauce more savory and sour.
2. Meatballs Cuanki

As for the Cuanki Meatballs, they have the following characteristics:

  • Cuanki meatballs are not as complete as Malang meatballs, because they only contain soft meatballs, fried dumplings, steamed dumplings, boiled tofu or fried tofu.
  • Meatball Cuanki sauce is sharper and has a yellowish color because apart from the broth and seasonings, Cuanki sauce has been flavored at the start of cooking so when it is served it usually doesn't need any more flavoring and seasonings, you know !
  • The presentation of the Cuanki Meatballs is quite unique because the filling is first boiled in the sauce until the fried dumplings expand. After that, the gravy and stuffing are served together in a bowl.

So, the difference between Malang Meatballs and Cuanki Meatballs is not only from the meatballs, but from the sauce and other accompaniments there are also differences.

However, it still tastes equally delicious when served. That's all for this discussion, see you in the next article!

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