5 Recipes Idea To Maintain Immune System

In the midst of conditions like now, endurance is indeed a very valuable treasure. The immune system can not only be increased by consuming various fruits or juices and vitamins, but it can also be through the food we consume. The key is only one, making the perfect blend of the raw materials in it.

We can make everyday food more nutritious, by adding vegetables and reducing fat or oil. The following are the inspiration for five recipes to maintain the family's immune system, ranging from chicken soup to beef stew.

1. Soto ayam, a dish full of goodness

This is one of Indonesia's favorite dishes and also one of the national culinary icons favored by almost all circles, soto ayam. Soto ayam is one dish that you can add a variety of good vegetables, such as tomatoes to celery. With a low fat content, chicken soup is also good for maintaining your body proportions in addition to maintaining endurance.

Curious? Check out the complete recipe for Soto Ayam .

2. Fried Vermicelli, a delicious meal for endurance 

Made from rice flour, vermicelli can be used as a carbohydrate substitute for white rice for side dishes. The character of the vermicelli that can absorb spices also makes it very flexible to be cooked in various ways, such as fried which we commonly enjoy. This Chinese dish has been fused with Indonesian raw materials and flavors. Fried vermicelli is also a flexible dish given a mix of various vegetables in it to add nutrition.

Check out the complete recipe for Fried Vermicelli .

3. Beef pickles for spicy and fresh home cooking inspiration 

Asem-asem meat is known as beef stew from Central Java. To make it more nutritious and help maintain the immune system, you can add vegetables such as green beans to complete the nutrition. Also, add Bango Kecap Manis for a richer taste.

Check out the complete recipe for Asem-Asem Meat .

4. Stir-fried kale is good for the body 

Water spinach is one of the most popular types of vegetables in Indonesia. The texture is soft so it's easy to chew once cooked, and the taste is not bitter. In addition, kale is included in vegetables that are easy to find and the price is friendly on the pocket.

Originating from mainland China, water spinach consists of two types, namely land kale and water spinach. Serving plain stir-fried kale can also be an option for dishes that can maintain endurance, especially if the cooking process doesn't take too long so that the nutritional content is still there.

Here's a complete recipe for stir-fried kale .

5. Nutritious and delicious tek-tek noodles

Tek-tek noodle dishes can be your option to serve delicious but also nutritious dishes for family members. The uniqueness of this type of cuisine is the free filling according to the taste of the person who cooks it. To make it more effective in maintaining the immune system, give more servings of vegetables and use less oil. To make it more delicious, give Bango Kecap Manis .

Here is the complete recipe for Mie Tek-Tek .

After you know these five cooking ideas, you no longer need to be confused about serving delicious dishes that are also beneficial for your health. The idea is that culinary friends can also use it as a menu for breaking the fast and sahur. Come on, let's cook! 

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