Strawberry and Lime Mocktail Recipe, Heat Repellent Fresh Drink

Hot weather began to hit a number of areas in Indonesia. No wonder you want to refresh yourself with a cold drink.

Mocktails can be the right choice. Materials that can be used to make mocktails are varied, such as strawberries and limes.

The newbie food recipe mocktail 1.5 liter strawberry and lime 

recipe mocktail Strawberry and lime

ingredients mocktail

  • 500 grams of strawberries, remove the leaves, halve
  • 110 grams caster sugar (can be substituted with powdered sugar)
  • 60 ml lime juice
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt for sprinkling (we recommend using sea salt flakes )
  • 30 grams of mint fresh
  • 1 tsp grated ginger (optional)
  • Ice cubes as needed

How to make a mocktail strawberry and lime

  1. Prepare a blender. Enter 450 grams of strawberries, sugar, lime juice, salt, mint , ginger, and 500 milliliters of cold water.
  2. Strain the strawberry juice, pour it into the pitcher. Discard the dregs. Pour 250 milliliters of cold water into the strawberry juice.
  3. Thinly slice 50 grams of strawberries.
  4. Prepare a serving glass. Add ice cubes, pour strawberry juice. Garnish with strawberry slices. Serve cold.

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