Tasting the Delicious Grilled Etong Fish, Seafood Lovers Must Come Close

Indonesia memiliki banyak macam ikan laut yang nikmat untuk diolah, menjadi berbagai masakan lezat. Salah satunya adalah ikan etong atau dikenal dengan ayam-ayam. Ikan jenis ini cukup banyak diminati oleh masyarakat.

Indonesia has many kinds sea fish to be processed into various delicious dishes. One of them is etong fish or known as chickens. This type of fish is in great demand by the public. 

This fish is commonly found in the warm waters of the Indo-Pacific region, from the Red Sea to the western Pacific Ocean. The average size is 40 cm, but can reach 60 cm for males. Then the dorsal fin has 25-27 rays, while in the anal fin there are 24-26 rays.

The scales tend to be large near the pelvic fins. This fish has a patil on the back of its body. But even so, the taste of this etong fish is very delicious you know to eat. Generally, seafood sellers process this etong fish by burning it. Using a blend of grilled spices , added with soy sauce makes the taste even more delicious 

The owner seafood stall , Fauzi said, etong fish is an attraction for connoisseurs, because this type is rarely found in other seafood stalls.

"Usually, etong fish are processed in various ways, ranging from fried and grilled. It is also equipped with various choices of sauces to complement it," he told MNC Portal some time ago. 

In addition to being a menu that is quite in demand, he claims that etong fish has many health benefits, such as calming the central nervous. In addition, this fish also has a complete and balanced nutritional content. Meanwhile, he also explained, during the pandemic there were quite a few challenges in opening this culinary business. However, even though it is difficult, seafood connoisseurs are still in high demand, including grilled etong fish. 

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